Break big tasks into small pieces to help your child see them through Many elementary schoolers have a tough time thinking ahead and following through on their plans. One reason is that they lack a realistic sense of time. Your child may really think one day is enough time to finish a big project. Help her break large assignments down into small parts to do over several days.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Get your child's attention when giving directions Does your child seem forgetful, absent-minded or irresponsible when you give directions? An ability to focus on instructions and carry them out is important to his school success. To help him concentrate, reduce distractions when you speak to him. Turn off the TV. Say things like "I know it's hard for you to pay attention, but I need to see your eyes when I'm talking to you." Then keep your instructions short.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Strengthen skills that improve social interactions Swooping in and saving your child from social challenges won't help her learn to navigate them. Instead, develop her social survival skills. When she describes a social situation, ask questions like, "What did you do next?" This tells your child that she can act to affect the outcome of social interactions.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Teachers' tips can make a big difference in your child's learning What do teachers wish that families would do to help their students be successful in school? Simple things: Set firm standards. Read to your child. Attend parent-teacher conferences. Communicate often with the teachers, and give them lots of information about your child's interests, strengths and weaknesses. When you team up with the teachers, you improve your child's chance of school success.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Routines are stability your child can count on A feeling of security gives children the courage to face challenges. For most kids, that sense of security comes from feeling loved. It also comes from knowing that some things don't change, such as certain family routines. Set regular times for bed, meals, reading and studying. When schedules must change, let your child know how and why.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Healthy snack choices encourage positive food habits Healthy food is fuel for growing bodies and brains. To help your child learn to make nutritious food choices, create an "anytime" shelf in your refrigerator. Stock it with a selection of healthy foods such as carrot sticks, broccoli "trees," cheese, chunks of melon and raisins. Then allow your child to help himself from this shelf any time he is hungry. He'll like choosing, and you'll know he's making healthy choices.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Volunteering encourages family and community teamwork When families volunteer together, they strengthen their relationships. They have a shared purpose. Children learn about caring. They learn about their community and teamwork. And they learn that they can make a difference. Why not sit down as a family and brainstorm ways you could volunteer, such as by raising awareness for a cause, organizing a school supply drive or sprucing up a playground.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Is your teen outside the 'in crowd'? When you think back to your own school days, you probably remember the faces of the "popular" kids. Popularity is as important to teens now as it was then. If your teen feels unpopular, be supportive. Remind her that she's worthy of friendship and has a lot to offer. Help her practice friend-making skills, such as smiling and introducing herself. Encourage her to invite a classmate to join your family in an activity.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
It's no joke that humor can make reading fun Learning to read can be hard work. So it's important to remind your child how much fun reading can be. Write a joke on silly stationery and tuck it in with your child's lunch. When he reads it to his friends, the laughter he hears will make him feel special and proud. And he'll connect those positive feelings with reading.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Help your child put travel time to good use Time management is a valuable study skill. One way to help your child make use of spare minutes is to make the most of time in the car. For example, you might tape cards with spelling words to the backs of the front seats. If your child practices them each time she's in the car all week, by Friday she will be ready for the spelling test!
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Address mistakes respectfully and privately Elementary school students are learning the social skills that help make a classroom comfortable and productive, such as how to treat people with respect. When your child makes mistakes, don't point them out in front of others. That will only make him ashamed, not teach him to be considerate. Ask yourself what he needs to learn, then teach him those skills one-on-one.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Daily conversations show your child that schoolwork matters Talking with your child about school shows her you care about her life and her education. Make it a regular habit to have your child show you at least one example of her schoolwork each day. Comment on progress she's making, praise her effort and encourage her to do her best work. You'll learn more about what your child is learning, and your child will learn that schoolwork is important.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Anger often masks other emotions Disrespectful, angry children may be perfectionists—and very good students. Or they may show their anger and disrespect by doing poorly in school. Anger and disrespect are often a cover for other emotions, such as fear or frustration. If your child has recently begun behaving defiantly, think about what's changed in her life. Ask what's bothering her and say you want to help. Then discuss ways to change her behavior.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Teach listening by example There isn't a class at school called "Listening." That's because listening is important in ALL school classes. One of the best ways to teach your child to listen is to set an example. Each day, set aside some time to talk about school. Ask questions to get the ball rolling. Then stop what you're doing and pay attention to what your child is saying. Make eye contact as you listen, and give your child time to put thoughts into words.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
A 'checkbook' can help your child account for money Giving a child an allowance is one way to teach financial responsibility. But you may not always have the right cash on hand. Give your child a "checkbook." Make up some checks that look like the real thing. On the first day of the month, "deposit" your child's allowance in the checkbook. When he needs to make a purchase, he can write you a check, and you can pay for the item. He'll get practice writing and learn math skills in the bargain.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Rev up your read-aloud routine Want to strengthen your child's vocabulary, improve her reading scores and have fun…all in 20 minutes a day? Read aloud! Try these hints for effective read-alouds: Pick a regular reading time and stick to it. Look for books you'll both like. If you preview them yourself first, you can read them aloud with style for your child. Finally, stop each reading session while your child is still eager to hear what will happen next.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Reach out to the counselor with questions or concerns about school Whether your child is facing pandemic-related issues or you have more typical learning or development questions, the school counselor is a great resource. Here are just a few of the issues you can talk about together: Concerns about schoolwork and school access. Worries about any social or discipline issues. Your child's strengths, limitations or special needs. Thoughts about your student's education goals. Counselors even help elementary schoolers begin to think about career interests.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Families are valued partners in education There is a mountain of evidence showing that family engagement makes a big difference in children's education. Your involvement can improve student achievement and attendance, and give your child a more positive attitude toward school. Plus, you'll get a better understanding of school programs and policies. Ask the teacher or principal how you can get involved.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Give your child the facts about tough topics Experts say the best time to begin talking to kids about difficult issues is when they are between ages nine and 11. They're old enough to grasp the complexity of an issue. But they're still young enough to listen. When you talk together, find out what your child already knows. Share facts without exaggerating, and explain your position. Then set a good example by making sure your actions support your words.
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger
Use a conversation game to find out about school To encourage conversations about school, play a game called "My Day, Your Day." In the evening, let your child ask you a question about your day. After you answer, you get to ask a question about his day. This helps him feel involved instead of interrogated. Ask questions that require more than a one-word answer. Specific questions, like "What did you do in math today?" are better than general ones like "How was your day?"
over 2 years ago, Mike Schartiger